Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My tap dancing performance

This is hilarious...my performance in the "Tap Showcase" from last Saturday. Adult tap-dancing classes...who knew?!?

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Last night Dave and I went to see a performance by the group TapOle. The group includes two Spanish tap dancers and two Spanish guitarists. They were simply INCREDIBLE. We had great seats...completely unobstructed views of the dancers' feet.

It's funny because these professionals just make it look so darn easy, but now that I'm tapping I really have an appreciation for how difficult it is to make it look so easy!

Even Dave thought they were phenomenal. So if you have the chance to see them, do: http://www.tapole.com/english/index.asp

Book Club in Connecticut

We had a really fun book club this month. Angela flew in from LA to be a special guest member. We miss having her in the group, so it was great having her here...maybe this will be an annual event!

For the actual book club, we were lucky to be invited down to Hilary's parents farm in Litchfield, Connecticut for an overnight trip. Such nice people...they showed us amazing hospitality and their home was beautiful. They had already read the book that we read this month, Don't Let's go to the Dogs Tonight, so they joined our book discussion. Their book club has read many of the same books we have, so it turned into an interesting, meandering discussion of many books.
Spring was just starting to, well, spring when we were there....plants starting to come out...some pics of that here too.